The community and sustainability


As discussed on the biodiversity pages, this is important for the production of our basic needs such as food, clean water and much more. Without a biodiverse borough we would lack the essential building blocks we need to survive.


You can help by:

  • creating a pond in your garden
  • stopping using pesticides
  • putting up bird boxes
  • preventing litter which harms wildlife and instead use our waste and recycling services
  • planting pollinator-friendly flowers and trees
  • sponsoring a tree in your local woodland
  • encouraging more wild plants to grow in parts of your garden if you have one (you could take part in No Mow May). Watch this video to find out more.


You can help by:

  • using your business as a hub for biodiversity. For example, install bird boxes, plant pollinator flowers and trees on your grounds and encourage more wildlife growth
  • preventing litter in and around your business
  • investing in more ethical, sustainable, recycled and reused products instead of buying new, to reduce deforestation and resource extraction


You can help by:

  • aiming to add zero litter to the borough and disposing of all waste in the correct public facilities/bins
  • using designated trails and paths instead of stepping on potential wildlife habitats