Natural environment

What is biodiversity and why is it important?

Biodiversity is described as the different kinds of life that you find in one area, made up of a variety of animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms that work together in ecosystems like a web to maintain balance and support life. The web of life that is biodiversity supports everything we need to survive such as food, clean water, medicine and shelter. 

It's an important resource for our society providing the basic things we need to survive, as mentioned above but also providing us with incredible green spaces, mental health support and community space. Which is why it's so important to protect it, especially in today's current climate where the impact we have on the planet in our consumption of resources and production of greenhouse gases risks upsetting the balance of ecosystems.

It has been reported that global wildlife populations have declined by an average of 69% since 1970 and 1 million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.

Learn more

To learn more about biodiversity, see the WWF website.

Or watch their video: