A new era for Ryecroft as blueprint plans are revealed

Published: 15 March 2022

Photo of Simon Tagg and Dan Gray
Simon Tagg and Dan Gray

New 'blueprint' plans are revealed for Ryecroft

The Ryecroft area of Newcastle will change beyond recognition in the coming months. New blueprint plans for the area have been revealed - just as the demolition of the former 1960s built Civic Offices on the site nears completion - that will bring the whole site into the 21st Century.  

Ryecroft is fundamental to the redevelopment of Newcastle’s town centre with plans set in motion by the Council in recent years as a result of securing more than £11million from the Government's Future High Streets Fund, which included £7.3million for Ryecroft.

Aspire Housing now become a key player in those plans as they present their own proposals for Ryecroft, having purchased part of the site from the Council.

Aspire’s ‘concept’ proposals for Ryecroft also illustrate the wider redevelopment of the area, which include a modern multi-storey car park along with a net zero Collaboration Hub and homes for older people, integral to Aspire Housing’s own town centre development plans, as well as new public realm as part of the Council’s plans.

The Council is also receiving attention from hotel operators who are interested in the potential development of a mid-range hotel on the site, adjacent to the new car park – a first for the town centre and a sign of the changing nature of town centres, where people visit and stay longer.

The Leader of Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, Simon Tagg, said: “We have now reached an early milestone on the road to the long awaited redevelopment of the Ryecroft. These are exciting proposals and the plans Aspire Housing have shared with us for their new headquarters are inspirational. The redevelopment jigsaw pieces are now finally falling into place.   

“Over recent years we have seen the clearing of out-of-use buildings, including the former Sainsbury’s supermarket and the Civic Offices. It will be amazing to see our blueprint for Ryecroft becoming reality over the coming months and years. All this has been made possible by the multi-million pound Government investment via the Future High Street Fund.”

Sinéad Butters MBE, Group Chief Executive of Aspire Housing, said: “We are very excited to be involved in the emerging masterplan for the Ryecroft site. The plan is already demonstrating the potential of the site to support the wider regeneration of the town centre and to become a destination to drive footfall.

“Regeneration of our communities and our town centre has always been a big part of our strategy, so we are delighted Aspire Housing is integral to the plans.

“By introducing a cutting-edge Collboration Hub for our group, with new work, meeting and social spaces as well as homes for older people, we intend to transform the Ryecroft site and help to drive additional footfall and energy to the heart of Newcastle.

“We're looking to create an exemplar net zero carbon development – a building which will greatly reduce our carbon footprint, help to sustain our local environment and vastly improve the site and its surroundings with the highest design standards.”

The redevelopment plans that have started with Ryecroft will ultimately include York Place, recently purchased by the Council, and Newcastle’s Cabinet are expected to confirm that Wilmot Dixon have been awarded the design and build contract at their meeting next week.

The proposals for Ryecroft will be discussed at Newcastle’s Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 23 March, at 2pm. Aspire's plans can be seen with the Cabinet report here: https://bit.ly/3w8JRz8