Council calls for new owner to take urgent action at Sky Building

Published: 18 February 2022

Sky Building in Newcastle town centre.
Image of the Sky Building provided by the Sentinel.

Council Leader Simon Tagg has written to Build4Learning Ltd requesting that the Council’s and community’s concerns are urgently addressed.

Fresh calls are being made for the completion of an unfinished and abandoned private development in Newcastle town centre.

The Council is pressing for confirmation of when construction works will restart at the Sky Building – in addition to immediate improvements in site safety, security and tidiness – now that it’s under new ownership.

Council Leader Simon Tagg has written to Build4Learning Ltd requesting that the Council’s and community’s concerns are urgently addressed. 

The Sky Building, a multi-storey student flats complex, is situated on the former Jubilee Baths site which was sold by the Council in 2015. It should have opened in 2017 but work ground to a halt a year later and there has since been a succession of legal issues surrounding ownership and investment.

Council Leader Simon Tagg said: “The Council shares everyone’s frustrations about the partially built Sky Building. We’re all disappointed that this prominent site has been left to the elements for such a long time. It has caused a great deal of concern, particularly when it comes to the future of the development. It has become a blight on our town and there have been several instances of debris coming off, security breaches and a general lack of site security and untidiness. This has been unacceptable and is something completely outside of the Council’s control.

“The Sky Building coming under new ownership is good news as we’re all very keen for it to be finally finished, occupied and contributing to our multi-million redevelopment of the town centre as part of the Town Deal and Future High Streets Fund. I’ve taken the opportunity to contact the new owner highlighting our major concerns and requesting urgent action. It’s my intention to share the developer’s plans and timescales with residents and businesses as soon as possible.”

You can download the Leader's letter here.

Last updated 28 February 2022