Newcastle shines again for Britain in Bloom

Published: 27 July 2023

Image shows flowers blooming in Queens Gardens.
Queens Gardens was the final stop for the RHS Britain in Bloom judges on their tour of Newcastle.

Newcastle has blossomed again for the national final of the Royal Horticultural Society Britain in Bloom judging.

As well as seeing traditional set-piece floral displays, judges visited projects undertaken by community groups and volunteers.

Today’s inspection to determine the national winner of the small city category, follows last week’s judging for the regional, Heart of England small city category.

Simon Tagg, Leader of Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, said:

Judges are looking beyond the obvious when they make their assessments.


As well as considering the range of plant species, diversity and using what we do to support wildlife, judges consider the extent of the community’s involvement in this work.


And there’s no doubt that this is one of our strengths: Newcastle has a strong community spirit and already this year volunteers have donated the equivalent of 4,000 hours of work.”

Queens Gardens has been planted with annual bedding on the theme of the 850th celebrations, and the entry also takes a sustainable approach by providing herbaceous and perennial planting on town centre roundabouts, including pollinators, and native tree planting as part of the Urban Tree Planting Strategy, including a Lyme Forest incorporating 850 lime trees.

The Borough has won Gold in the regional small city category for 20 years in a row, as well as taking a hat-trick of regional championships in 2017, 2018 and 2019. In recent years it’s also won the national ‘small city’ title and a gold award in the Champion of Champions round.

Starting at the Brampton, judges toured parts of Bradwell, Knutton, Silverdale, past Keele and then round to south-west Newcastle before returning to the town centre.

Other considerations included restoration of habitats and evidence of good ecological practices, year-round activity and community engagement.

The Borough is one of four shortlisted to contest this year’s RHS Britain in Bloom ‘small city’ category, competing against Royal Tunbridge Wells in Kent, Derry in Northern Ireland and the Borough of Oadby and Wigston in Leicestershire.

Simon Tagg added:

The beauty of entering this competition is that it provides an inspiration for schools, businesses, community groups and volunteers to work together to improve where we live.


I’m proud to be part of a community willing to make a difference, especially in the year of our 850th anniversary celebrations.”