Landscape-changing development moves closer

Published: 10 July 2023

The image shows the words latest news.
Work on the bus gate has been paused while councils develop the alternative proposal.

A garage workshop is to be knocked down and rebuilt to create space for a landscape-changing town centre development.

If approved, the move will allow Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council to develop the Meadows Road site in Kidsgrove by building a ‘shared service hub’, which will provide a single venue for local services, increase footfall in the area and provide a base for community groups.

The project is part of the £17 million Kidsgrove Town Deal, which is also being invested in Kidsgrove Sports Centre and developing Chatterley Valley West, as well as improving the town’s train station and upgrading the canal.

Simon Tagg, Leader of Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, said:

This is a landmark project which will bring together public services under one roof in Kidsgrove and provide a base for voluntary groups to make a difference in their communities.


It will also create a new gateway into the town on the approach from the Railway Station or canal tow path.”

The proposal includes using the council-owned Meadow Road car park and part of the adjoining site owned by Dales Garage, on which stands its workshop.

The deal will see a new workshop built on another part of the Dales site and then the old workshop will be demolished.

Once operational the shared service hub is expected to house a range of services for local people, encompassing health, employment and skills support and access to volunteering opportunities.

Cllr Tagg added:

Not only will this make it easier for Kidsgrove residents to access services and provide support for community groups, this will reduce running costs from older, less energy-efficient buildings and support local businesses by increasing footfall in the area.”