Partners host community week of action

Published: 18 October 2022

Week of action, Council, Staffordshire Police, partners, partnership working, campaign, community safety, crime prevention, anti-social behaviour, rough sleepers.
Ashley Roscoe, the Council's Environmental Project Co-ordinator, is pictured in the Women's Safe Space in Newcastle with PC Daniel Pole.

Staffordshire Police has launched a week of community action, supported by the Council, to help tackle issues raised by residents in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

The campaign, which launched yesterday (Monday, 17 October), involves officers from Newcastle local policing team, police community support officers (PCSOs) and partner agencies working together to address concerns highlighted by people who live, work and visit the town centre.

The team, complemented by colleagues from Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council, are based at the Women's Safe Space in Lancaster Building to meet locals and discuss any community problems.

Crime prevention advice and information, on a range of topics from public safety to health and well-being, is being provided.

Daily patrols are taking place to help rough sleepers and those in need by offering support and finding them shelter.

A number of enforcement operations are also taking place – so residents can expect to see an increased police presence – tackling issues such as anti-social behaviour, driving offences and vehicle crime.

Regular updates will be shared throughout the week on the "Newcastle-under-Lyme Police" Facebook and Twitter pages.

Police community support officer, Rebecca Evans, said: “The week of action gives us the opportunity to work with partners and the wider community to really understand the issues that people are experiencing in the town centre and look at what needs to be done to address them.

“We are committed to working with partners to make sure that people feel safe in the area and we will continue to carry out regular days and weeks of action, alongside our routine town centre patrols and community engagement events.”

Cllr. Gill Heesom, Cabinet member for community safety and well-being, added: “Collaborative partnership working makes a positive difference to residents’ lives – it’s something that the Council is committed to doing, and is also very experienced at, on a daily basis.

“We want Newcastle town centre to be a pleasant, welcoming and safe place for everyone and we’re continuing to put a great deal of effort into improving the visitor experience while exciting redevelopment plans, funded by the Town Deal Fund, take shape.

“This latest campaign is an opportunity to combine a whole range of services and deliver a co-ordinated response to points raised by residents, workers, shoppers and businesses who use the town centre on a regular basis. It also allows us to build on existing work to provide tailored support for vulnerable people, such as rough sleepers, and tackle those whose anti-social behaviour is affecting others.”