Specialist business support

Health and safety

Pest control 

The Environmental Health team offer a variety of pest control services to local businesses, including factories, offices, shops and schools.   

Any business which stores, prepares, or sells food has an obligation to ensure its premises are pest-free.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter IX, paragraph 4, requires food businesses to take all reasonable precautions to prevent food pests - namely rats, mice, cockroaches and flying insects - from gaining entry into food storage and preparation areas. This is to prevent the contamination of foodstuffs.  The council can provide professional checks and reports to confirm that your site is pest-free and that your controls are working, or advise on extra precautions you need to take to comply with food hygiene best practice.   

Accidents and injuries 

Certain workplace injuries, accidents and dangerous occurrences must be reported to the relevant health and safety enforcing authorities.  

These accidents are called ‘reportable’, and can now be reported directly to the HSE Incident Contact Centre

Food businesses

Businesses involved in selling, storing or preparing foodstuffs have their own unique set of challenges. The Environmental Health team is able to offer advice to help prevent incidents and services to help deal with them.