Business support

There is a huge range of support and advice available to businesses, some of it is generic, some of it very specific. The links on these pages should take you to useful organisations that will be able to deal with most of your queries.

The Stoke and Staffordshire Growth Hub is a good place to start when looking for business support and advice. 

If you are a small business, the government has launched a new online training course filled with practical advice and resources.

Help to Grow: Management Essentials is a free short course which is suited for leaders of newer or smaller SMEs. It suits those who are looking to explore the principles of business growth and management before taking the next step and enrolling in the existing fuller version of the course entitled Help to Grow: Management. 

The two courses form a Help to Grow toolkit supporting UK small businesses to scale up and grow. 

The new short course is aimed at supporting SME leaders to establish their roots as they look towards future expansion. The Help to Grow site makes it quicker and easier for business owners to find the resources they need for every step of their growth journey.