Staffordshire sustainability

County level

The county of Staffordshire came together to achieve collective ambitions in the fight against climate change. To do this we participate in the county-wide Staffordshire Sustainability Board and The Climate Change Group made up of the 9 local authorities in the county. These meetings allow local authorities to work together with their sustainability officers at the forefront of making sustainable change. 

The partnership was created in 2022 to encourage closer working between council leaders and chief executives to reduce Staffordshire's carbon emissions and reach net zero.

Getting Staffordshire's councils working together, delivering on ten pledges to make the county sustainable and a new plan with local communities to help combat climate change is key.

The ten climate pledges

These are as follows:

  • baseline and reporting
  • carbon literacy training and awareness
  • ambassadors
  • green travel planning
  • communications
  • green energy
  • energy reduction
  • low carbon fuelled fleet vehicles
  • waste and recycling
  • innovation and technology

Further information

More information on the 10 base pledges can be downloaded (link to an external PDF document).

Learn more about what Staffordshire County Council is doing for the councils as a whole.