Information requirements and validation for planning applications

Consultation on a draft revised list of local validation requirements

Please note: this consultation has now closed.

Since 1 October 2010 the validity of planning applications received by us as a Local Planning Authority (LPA) has been informed by our List of Local Validation Requirements (LLVR). The LLVR sets out what information, over and above the national requirements, is necessary to accompany planning applications. The latest LLVR was published, following a review and consultation exercise, on 1 October 2021. Unless before 1 October 2023 we review and publish a new list or announce on our website that no changes are necessary, the information requirements set out in the current list will have no bearing on whether a planning application is valid that date.

In accordance with guidance on the review process set out in the national Planning Practice Guidance, we are now consulting on proposed changes to the current LLVR following a review of its contents. In accordance with Government Guidance the information requirements that are identified on the revised list that is the subject of consultation, are all triggered by statutory requirements, policies in the National Planning Policy Framework or development plan, or published guidance in accordance.

This consultation ran from 28 July 2023 until 18 August 2023.

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Invites to comment on the revised ‘local list’ were sent to consultees and the agents that submitted applications for major development since the publication of the current list, although the consultation was open to anyone who wishes to make observations.

The draft revised LLVR differed from the current list.

To assist in the identification of the changes, the parts of the current LLVR that are considered should be removed are struck through by a line and additions or amendments are highlighted in grey.

All comments were duly considered and reported to the Planning Committee for formal resolution and adoption of the final LLVR prior to 1 October 2023.