The Kidsgrove Town Deal

Kidsgrove Town Deal timeline


The government announces details of 100 new ‘Town Deals’ as part of a commitment to ensuring that communities across the UK could benefit from shared prosperity. Kidsgrove, along with Newcastle, was one of the lucky 100.


January: A Kidsgrove Town Deal board is formed. The boundary for the Kidsgrove Town Deal is approved by government.

Spring: A call for project ideas from the community, of which 22 suggestions were received.

Summer: Working with the Borough Council and consultants, AECOM, the board worked hard to put together a ‘Town Investment Plan’ (TIP) that would bring real and lasting economic benefits to Kidsgrove and the surrounding area.

July: Kidsgrove is awarded £750,000 Advanced Town Deal funding. Town Deal Board approves expenditure on a ’Sports Village’ project and leisure facilities in Kidsgrove’s public parks.

October: The TIP is submitted


March: The Kidsgrove Town Deal Board receives an offer of £16.9m to deliver the projects outlined in the TIP.

April: The Kidsgrove Sports Centre project is designated ‘Fast Track’ and the Business Case is submitted and approved by government.

June: Official opening of Pump Track in Newchapel Rec.

August: A business case is submitted and approved for the Chatterley Valley West project.


February: Two day consultation on Station, Shared Service Hub and canal projects.

March: Business cases submitted for Kidsgrove Station and Canal Enhancement projects.

June: Business case submitted for Shared Service Hub.

July: Official opening of the Kidsgrove Sports Centre.


September: Negotiations underway for purchase of land for Shared Service Hub.

November: Public event for Shared Service Hub.


August: Canal enhancement works begin

Autumn:.Canal enhancement will be completed.


Work continues on all projects to bring them to completion.


March: End date for Town Deal funding