ActiveLife: Cardiac Referral Programme

Who can be referred?

We work alongside the Cardiac Rehabilitation departments at University Hospital North Midlands and  join the programme you will need a referral from a health professional or the NHS Cardiac Rehab Team.

Inclusion criteria 

  • Stable angina 
  • Post-myocardial infarction. 
  • Post-coronary artery bypass graft surgery. 
  • Post percutaneous coronary intervention (with or without prior cardiac event). 
  • Stable chronic heart failure. 
  • Post valve replacement. 
  • Permanent pacemaker. 
  • Impacted cardioverter defibrillator. 
  • Post cardiac transplant. 
  • The Cardiac Transfer Information form must be completed for all cardiac referrals. 

Exclusion criteria 

Absolute contra indications for exercise: 

  • Hypertension rest SP >180 or DBP >100 BPM. 
  • Symptomatic hypotension -significant drop in BP during exercise / dizziness / light headedness. 
  • Pain dizziness or excessive breathlessness experienced during exertion. 
  • Other rapidly progressing terminal illness. 
  • Any unstable or uncontrolled condition. 
  • Unstable Angina (risk of provoking ischaemia or MI). 
  • Unstable or acute heart failure – pitting oedema, dyspnoea. 
  • Unstable Diabetes. 
  • New or uncontrolled arrhythmias (irregular pulse, Atrial Fibrillation, heart block, new bradycardia). 
  • Tachycardias (resting HR >100 BPM). 
  • Febrile illness (flu/fever). 
  • Acute pulmonary embolus or pulmonary infarction.
  • Not compliant with prescribed medication.
  • Individuals experiencing acute uncontrolled psychiatric conditions.
  • Any other condition that restricts ability to exercise safely.