Register of locally important buildings and structures

Register of locally important buildings and structures

Please note

Please do not include buildings which are already listed as they are already protected and please check the register to see if the building you are suggesting is not already on the register.

Aims of the register

The register is created by us, working with the community. It aims to:

  • raise awareness in the community of our local heritage
  • celebrate those parts which enrich our local areas
  • try and protect it from harmful change and demolition

National planning guidance advises us to set out a positive strategy for conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment. We should recognise that heritage assets are irreplaceable and should be appropriately looked after. So, inclusion on the list helps to inform planning decisions.

What's included?

A building or structure on the register is considered to have heritage value and contribute to the character of the area.

Sometimes called local lists they often include local landmarks, curiosities and buildings which fall short of the criteria for national listing.

The current register

The current local register has 140 entries including buildings from around the borough such as:

  • a post box in Audley
  • estate houses in Keele village
  • pubs in the town centres

Register of local listed buildings

Download and view the latest register of local listed buildings.
